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Every part of our body needs oxygen to survive.

In order to have our bodies to work properly, 1l oxygen/minute needs to go into the cells. In the ideal case this is provided by the adequate oxygen supply of the blood. Environmental hazards e.g. pollution, toxic chemicals; unhealthy lifestyle; and cardiac function, cardiovascular changes due to old age are waning the oxygen tension of the blood.

What do we breathe in?


Oxygen is a gas that our cells need to make energy. Our lungs absorb the oxygen from the air we breathe in. The ideal air should contain about 20.000 negative oxygen ion/cm3. Unfortunately, nowadays in big cities this number is only about 50- 100 ion/cm3, in countryside it is about 300-400 ion/cm3 and in places which are not ventilated frequently enough it can be as low as 25-30 ion/cm3. Our bodies compensate up to a certain point, afterwards both neural and physical malfunctions may occur.

About oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is a treatment that provides you with extra oxygen to breathe in. In 1662, British physician Nathaniel Henshaw pioneered the use of compressed air in a chamber called a domicilium to create an HBOT environment. In the 18th and 19th centuries, many doctors began using compressed air for oxygenation, and by 1877 hyperbaric chambers were used to treat a wide range of health problems. In the early 20th century, Dr. Orville Cunningham from Kansas used pure oxygen to restore health to dying flu patients. But it wasn’t until the 1950s that hyperbaric oxygen therapy generated sufficient interest for use to become wide spread. The use of oxygen therapy continuously increasing in Europe, around Mexico, China and in Russia. It has been used to treat a wide variety of serious health conditions, and considered to be useful for prevention.

Numerous diseases can be caused by oxygen deficiency

  • Chronic headaches, light-headedness, fainting

  • Memory lapses

  • Mental disorders, anxiety, depression

  • Fatigue, weak physical and mental performance

  • Trouble falling asleep (insomnia)

  • Sensitive to changes in temperature

  • Increased tendency to illnesses

  • Reoccurring bacterial or fungal infections

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • Lung conditions

  • Weakened, damaged immune system

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Obesity, other digestive conditions


Oxygen plays a key role in cellular metabolism


Oxygen is vital for respiration, vital for life!

What is respiration?

Blood carries oxygen to the cells of the body where it takes part in a chemical reaction with glucose. It is how the cells receive energy.

How does it work?

With therapy the immune cells productivity is increasing. Oxygen therapy enhances quality of life by improving mood and sleep, increasing mental alertness and stamina and allowing you to carry out normal daily activities. It is also associated with the prevention of many diseases.

“Everyone deserves a healthy life” – therefore we would like to invite you to receive an overall assessment about the state of your health. After being advised by our doctors we also introduce our newest therapies to you.


“An ounce of prevention is worth more than a million pounds of cure.” - David B. Agus, M.D.


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